Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

So, I think I’m going to backstep a bit before I go on. Originally, my main goal was to rant and rave and sympathize about all things menopausal. Then, I realized I don’t necessarily know anything about menopause and also…who wants to listen to that kind of thing anyway??
Since menopause doesn’t define who we are, I figured I might just blabber on about the other things in my life that do actually define me.

I live on a tiny little island off the coast of Puerto Rico, called Culebra. It’s a beautiful and quiant little place that I have called home for about 24 years. So crazy that over half of my adult life has been on this little rock! It’s a very small 3 by 7 mile island with just under 2,000 full time residents. It’s funky. It’s quiet. It’s beautiful in so many ways and we really love it here. It has a the benefits of a small town village and possibly one downside… such as getting island fever at times.

The people are so kind and will bend over backwards to help anyone in need in the community. The culture is lively, musical and family friendly. I have been coming here since I was 10 years old ans it’s really hard to think of another place I would rather call home.

I met my husband the second day after I officially moved here…we married two years later. We bought a house here 20 years ago…that is a story in and of itself. Homeownership here is…challenging. I have learned over the years how to be a plumber, an electrician and I also do lots and lots of carpentry stuff. It’s mostly out of necesity because if you want something done, and it can’t be “mañana”, you’ll need to DIY it!!! It really has taught me a fierce sense of independence and feminism not so prevalent in some places. It kind drives my husband crazy. It has made our daughter, now 17, understand how important be self- reliant is. She wants to learn to do all the things herself too.

We have had two full restaurants over the 23 years together and we are starting a food truck gig coming up in a few weeks.

I guess I have a lot to write about and just wanted to get it out there. A friend suggested a book, but I am WAYYYYY too disorganized for that. One blog post at time. That’s about all I can do.

Have a great Monday!